Amy Spatrisano, CMP

A favorite quote of Emerson's sums up my approach:

"Do not follow where the path may lead.
Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.

Often referred to as a pioneer and visionary in the meeting/event industry, 
Amy has defined and promoted management practices for sustainable meetings 
for nearly two decades.

She has trained and advised all professional levels about sustainable practices, creating collaborative teams to develop and produce short- and long-term implementation strategies.

  • Twice named to "The 25 Most Powerful in the Meetings Industry"
  • Received the first Environmental Leadership Pacesetter Award
from the Convention Industry Council
  • Acknowledged as one of the "Growing Green 12 Names to Know
by Corporate Meeting & Events
  • Inducted into the Event Industry Council Hall of Leaders
  • Presented the IMEX Academy Award for Special Services
  • Recognized for "Achievement for Innovation in Hospitality"
by the Institute for Innovation and Economic Development
  • Co-founder, Green Meeting Industry Council
  • Co-author Simple Steps to Green Meetings and Events , Saving Green by Going Green,  Meeting the Future a sustainable events guide, contributing author to the Professional Meeting Management Comprehensive Strategies for Meetings, Conventions and Events, Ninth Edition
  • Chair, APEX/ASTM Sustainable Event Standards
  • Working group, the Global Reporting Initiative's Event Organizers Sector Supplement

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